Personalised children's book_the_suitcase

How does your child perceive his/her book in relation to his/her age?

At My Mini Buddies, we believe that there is no age limit to giving a child a personalised book. You just have to adapt its use to your child's development level.

Here are some examples that will surely speak to you!

Before the age of 12 months, your child's eyes cannot distinguish colours and outlines properly.

However, books will already help you to create an atmosphere that is conducive to bonding.

By snuggling up together and telling your child a good story, you can help your child develop a bond.

Between the ages of 1 and 2, your child becomes interested in pictures and can begin to turn the pages. The book then becomes a wonderful tool for developing fine motor skills.

That is, using the hands to make precise movements such as picking up, manipulating and using objects.

By the age of 2, all your child's visual skills are well coordinated!

They can now fully enjoy the beautiful illustrations in their book.

Around 3 to 5 years, your child really likes storybooks and can associate the pictures with the story. This is also the age when children can realise that they are the hero of their story. This will help his intellectual, emotional and social development.

His book will also help him to develop his gross motor skills. Gross motor skills are associated with large movements and include moving, changing position and transmitting force.

By encouraging your child to mimic and imitate the different characters, animals and objects in his book, you are promoting this learning.

Intellectual development means acquiring knowledge, thinking creatively, understanding and solving problems, or memorising information and exercising judgement.

By asking your child to reinvent a story or find a different solution to the one proposed by the hero, you will be contributing to their intellectual development in a playful way.

Although your child's emotional development has already begun, through the stories you tell them, you can now help them understand, recognise and express their emotions.

Personalised books also contribute to their social development by teaching them the rules of politeness, sharing, waiting their turn and doing favours.

Finally, by introducing your child to reading at an early age, you will simply facilitate his or her learning to read. Add to this the personalisation of their book and they will be even more hooked on the story.

As you can see, books are wonderful allies throughout the years!

By choosing a quality book, you encourage its use in perpetuity!
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